Homemade Ghee

Homemade Ghee

Ghee is another name for clarified butter and is an ancient healing food of India.  Its a staple in my kitchen for numerous reasons.  This unique traditional food is made by boiling butter and removing its milk solids, making it suitable for those that are unable to tolerate milk protein or casein even the smallest amounts.  Ghee is also one of the finest cooking oils; its high smoke point makes it perfect for cooking.

Gut Healing Turkey Bone Broth

Gut Healing Turkey Bone Broth

One of the most nourishing remedies that I think everyone should have in their food arsenal is bone broth.  Nowadays in our fast paced world we grab at the canned or boxed chicken broths on grocery store shelves to help us get that 30 minute meal on the table.  I used to make everything with boxed organic soup, that is, until I learned of the incredible healing properties of homemade bone broth.  Its so easy to make, it now seems silly to use boxed broth when cooking.

Astragalus Pumpkin Seed Butter

Astragalus Pumpkin Seed Butter

One of my favorite immune boosting herbs is astragalus.  It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years as an herbal treatment designed to make the body's natural defenses stronger.  Studies have shown that astragalus root improves the function of white blood cells, which is why it is used in cancer patients after chemotherapy to strengthen their immune systems.

Homemade Cashew Milk

Many people are now starting to drink nut, rice, or soy milk as an alternative to cows milk.  Almond milk is particularly popular, but I caution people that think they are drinking a decent source of healthy fats, protein, and fiber.  Most store bought almond milks are pasteurized which damages heat sensitive vitamins and eliminates the almonds fiber rich skin.  And furthermore, if you are buying the sweetened varieties, understand that you are consuming mostly sugar water.