spice blend

Ayurvedic Immunity Spice Mix

This healing spice blend comes from the book The Answer to Cancer by Dr Hari Sharma who is a physician and Ayurveda practitioner at Ohio State University Integrative Medicine. I’ve been making this spice mix for years to strengthen my family’s immunity to colds, flu, and all kinds of other imbalances. If you take this combination of spices regularly with each main meal of the day, you’ll boost your immune system and enhance your digestion. Each spice contained in this powerful immunity blend has been well studied for its anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial potential as well as its anti-inflammatory properties.  


6 parts turmeric

3 parts ground cumin

3 parts ground coriander

6 parts group fennel

1 part powdered dry ginger

1 part ground black pepper

1/4 part ground cinnamon


  1. Mix the spices together well. (Store them in an airtight container in a cool place away from direct sunlight.)

  2. Heat one teaspoon of the spice mixture in one tablespoon of ghee, using medium to medium-high heat, until the mixture releases an aroma. Remove from the heat immediately so it won’t burn.

  3. Put this spiced ghee on vegetables, soups, cooked grains, beans, meats or any other foods.