Homemade Ghee

Ghee is another name for clarified butter and is an ancient healing food from India.  It's a staple in my kitchen for numerous reasons.  This unique traditional food is made by boiling butter and removing its milk solids, making it suitable for those that are unable to tolerate milk protein or casein even in the smallest amounts.  Ghee is also one of the finest cooking oils due to its high smoke point making it perfect for all types of cooking applications.

Ghee is made up of about two thirds saturated fats and one third mono and polyunsaturated fats.  It contains beneficial short chain fats that help heal the gut and reduce gastrointestinal inflammation.   Ghee also contains antioxidants, conjugated linoleic acid, and fat soluble vitamins.  Its saturated fat is mostly made up of butyric acid, which has also been shown by Dr. Rudolph Ballentine to have antiviral and anti-cancer properties.

I use ghee for just about everything — on veggies, sautéing, making eggs, on sweet potatoes, making  popcorn, the list is endless! Give it a try, its super easy to make and tastes delicious.


  • 1 pound unsalted organic butter from grass-fed cows (I like Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter)


  • Medium saucepan
  • strainer
  • cheesecloth
  • spoon
  • Mason jar


Heat butter in medium saucepan until boiling.  Adjust heat to maintain slight rolling boil.  The butter will sound like its crackling as it boils.  You will start to notice white foam that collects at the top that will condense and thicken.  Skim off the white foam (that's the casein) with a spoon and discard.  After about 20 minutes the loud boiling will stop and the ghee will become transparent and a slightly golden.  Remove from heat.  The brownish sediment that has adhered to the bottom of the pan and the foam skimmings from the top are milk solids.  Pour ghee through strainer lined with cheesecloth into a glass mason jar.  Cool and cover.  Ghee can be stored in the refrigerator or on the counter for up to 2 months.